Active parishes work collectively to bring others to Christ and meet their pastoral mission. But in an age of online shopping, internet banking, and crowdsourcing, stewardship and parish finances have never been more challenging to administer. We provide tools to help pastors joyfully call for the gifts and participation of the parish community to motivate, enable, and affirm them in their efforts.
Religious Giving Has
Declined Nationwide
Charitable giving remained steady last year, but church giving declined. Most non-profits allow donors to give on their own terms…and receive instant thanks and affirmation. (Does your parish do this?)
Digital Givers Gift 33% More
Than Non-Digital Givers
And guess what? They also give more frequently (even when they’re out of town) and continue their gifts for a longer duration. Digital giving and follow-up are the best ways to make a first-time giver a recurring giver.
20% of Millennials Have
Never Written a Check
Most young adults pay their bills and each other from their laptops and smartphones. They don’t carry cash or checkbooks, which causes one to wonder…what are they doing with those envelopes?
Churches that see the highest growth in stewardship are those that nurture their flock and keep them informed about what the parish is doing, provide multiple platforms for giving, and let parishioners know how their contributions are making a difference. In a nutshell, effective stewardship requires effective communications.
Digital Giving
In an age of online shopping and banking, there is a huge disconnect between how people give to their parish vs. other nonprofits. While many parishes offer ACH or some form of online giving, most charities offer better giving methods.
Capital Campaigns
and Fundraising
Capital campaigns are exciting, visible ways to engage parishioners in the life and future of the parish. From preparation to celebration, we create custom programs to raise the funds and commitment needed to sustain a thriving parish.
Increased Offertory
Increased Offertory Programs help pastors increase their weekly collections by encouraging parishioners to view their finances as gifts from God, better understand the budgetary needs of their church, and experience the joy of giving.
Even St. Benjamin Didn't Want to Talk About the Benjamins